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Community update: 6th Summit for Space Sustainability - SWF

Writer's picture: Asia Pacific Oceania Space AssociationAsia Pacific Oceania Space Association

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

Author: Yui Nakama.

This is Yui Nakama from Japan. I am a space policy researcher focusing on Space Safety, Security and Sustainability. As a Summit Assistant at Secure World Foundation, I would like to introduce my team’s activities in the Asia-Pacific region.

Firstly, I will explain what Secure World Foundation (SWF) is, and what we are aspiring to as an organisation. SWF is a leading voice for Space Sustainability, reaching audiences around the world among many different actors. For nearly two decades, SWF has led important activities on sustainability issues, providing key inputs to international discussions and initiatives at a variety of commercial and political levels through Research, Advisory roles at UNOOSA, CONFERS, etc., and the Annual Summit. 

Our mission is to work with governments, industry, international organisations, and civil society to develop and promote ideas and actions for achieving the secure, sustainable, and peaceful uses of outer space benefiting Earth and all its peoples.

Through the Summit, SWF aims to create a new forum where key actors can exchange views on Space Sustainability around common ground, facilitating cooperation and understanding that cuts across social, economic, and geopolitical lines.

This summer, SWF is organising the 6th Summit for Space Sustainability in Tokyo, JAPAN, for the first time in the Asia-Pacific area. (

The Summit will be co-hosted by the National Space Policy Secretariat of the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. It will be a unique gathering of global stakeholders from across government, space industry, academia, finance, and other relevant sectors.

SAVE the DATE: July 11-12, 2024

Space Sustainability

The Summit is a high-level, multi-day policy forum designed to highlight opportunities and challenges in developing solutions for Space Sustainability, which refers to the long-term protection of the space environment from pollution generated by the exponential increase of artificial space objects in orbit. Compared to the two approaches for addressing space dangers already described, this is a broader concept encompassing the overall environment of outer space. The UN COPUOS describes long-term space sustainability as: 

“[…] the ability to maintain the conduct of space activities indefinitely into the future in a manner that realizes the objectives of equitable access to the benefits of the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, in order to meet the needs of the present generations while preserving the outer space environment for future generations.”  

It emphasises “equitable access” for all nations, as well as for the present and future generations.

The Asia-Pacific region is a significant integration that connects diverse space participants ranging from strong space powers such as Japan, China, South Korea, and India to emerging space countries, which demonstrates all potential cases. 

With a special focus on the APAC region, key themes include:

-Active debris removal progress and challenges

-Space situational awareness initiatives

-Commercial space industry's role in space sustainability

-The interaction of civil, security, and commercial space

-Space sustainability in the exploration context

You can check the detailed agenda here:

Why Attend?

There are major three benefits you can gain from the Summit. 

Unlock Regional and Global Insights

The Summit can provide both a minilateral and multilateral platform for gathering small voices into a big voice by bringing together their various knowledge across borders. The framework can accommodate all nations to fully engage in future space development, which will gather significant attention from high-level international organisations. The regional and global dynamics, facilitated by in-depth conversations, will lead to more realistic and effective Space Sustainability initiatives. 

Network Like Never Before

We will be hosting an unparalleled opportunity for mingling with decision-makers from all over the world with:

Our global partner, the UK Space Agency

Our gold partner, Viasat

Our friends of the Summit, AstroAgency, Axelspace, and SpaceBD,

and our strategic partner, SpaceTIDE

The circle of space policy is expanding day by day. Please connect individual face-to-face interactions during coffee breaks and reception to future proactive activities in your own country or company.

Interactive Programming

At the Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum, Mr. Shoichiro Sakaguchi, Director General, International Cooperation, National Space Policy Secretariat, Government of JAPAN gave a Keynote speech emphasising:

“This is an issue that must be addressed urgently. Space sustainability is not just a problem for space-faring nations, but is also a specific challenge for countries that are trying to promote new space application and economic growth.”  

Mitigating current and future threats to space systems before the space environment becomes inaccessible owing to orbital congestion and collisions is a critical international policy agenda that “all of humanity stands to win or lose collectively” regardless of economic status. At the same time, Space Sustainability represents a challenge that cannot be solved by any single country alone. 

Participate in our numerous opportunities to engage and interact!

Young professionals

As a major feature of the Summit, we are also committed to fostering the development and exchange of young professionals in the field of Space Policy, and Space Sustainability. We are hosting a ‘Young Professional Mentoring Breakfast’ on the second day, inviting young professionals (under 35 years old) who have knowledge or interest in our main theme. It will provide valuable opportunities to engage in direct discussions with senior policymakers. We know that conference attendees will gain valuable insight from your students/young professionals and vice versa.

My comments for the Summit

Personally, I believe that this significant international policy forum should be maximally utilised by space policy stakeholders from Japan and across the APAC region as a platform to showcase our prominent activities and policies on Space Sustainability. I would be delighted if the Summit becomes a platform to enhance our regional presence in space development among leaders from other regions, such as the U.S.

Join hundreds of global experts and stakeholders from industry, governments, and civil society to participate in keynotes, interactive sessions, panels, and networking. I am very much looking forward to seeing APOSA and other APAC space communities in Tokyo in July! Any questions are welcomed at:

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